Hello! I am back to blogging, and very happy about it. I started in Feb 2010. (Even though I've been following fashion blogs since around august/september 2009?) I stopped in June because I really just wanted to do outfit posts but I didn't have someone to take the photos, and the camera I own doesn't have self-timer.
But around a week ago I was talking to my friend Christie and Lexi about starting it up again but I said I didn't have anyone to take the pictures. (I wasn't even hinting anything! lol) And Christie offered to take them for now on and Lexi encouraged me to follow through with it also!
So I will be posting very often. And it won't be only of me, I will be taking pictures of Christie too, she has an awesome taste in clothes so how can I not?
But it will mainly be run by me.

(Denim button-down- Forever 21; Shorts- PacSun; Tights- H&M; Suede Boots- BP from Nordstrom; Hat- Party City..? Not sure; Chain Ring- Icing)

Yes I look like a goof in many of these. I do not claim to be good at posing. But it will get better over time! :)

Christie takes some cool shots C:

Here's a picture of the awesome person taking all the pictures! She actually changed into all of my clothes when she went over my house that day. (Shirt- Hand me down; crochet vest- F21; jeans- bobs i think?; scarf-old from Old Navy; Converse- extremely old from the converse store)

I'm off to my cousin's 5th birthday party now! Whoever actually saw this, hope you have an awesome day! More posts in the near future :)
-Taylor xox